The Symbolism of a Deer in a Dream About a Lost Friendship

The Symbolism of a Deer in a Dream About a Lost Friendship
So dream about a friend so at time me and this friend well, were kinda friends. When i had this dream many months later We cut contact with each other. So i was walking up a street, and i saw my friend who was animal; a deer she seem happy to see me but i freaked out for some reason and ran away, and she chased me, eventually i stopped running i turn to her and she jumped and hugged me and i hugged her back.

This dream may represent unresolved feelings and emotions surrounding a past friendship. The deer, a gentle and graceful animal, could symbolize the friend in question. The fact that the dreamer and the deer were once friends but are now separated could suggest a sense of longing or nostalgia for the past. The dreamer’s initial fear and subsequent running away from the deer could indicate avoidance or fear of confronting these unresolved feelings. However, the deer’s pursuit and eventual embrace could symbolize the dreamer’s desire to reconcile and reconnect with their friend. This dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s subconscious desire to mend the broken friendship and find closure. It could also serve as a reminder to reach out and communicate with the friend, as the dream occurred after the two had cut contact. Overall, this dream may be a manifestation of the dreamer’s inner conflict and longing for a lost friendship.