The Symbolism of a Dream About a Potential Relationship

The Symbolism of a Dream About a Potential Relationship
For context before I explain the dream, I (19F) have been talking every now and then online with a guy (20M) I met on a Discord server about TLOZ I am a moderator for. He DMed me first about a month ago, and we found ourselves having deep conversations about life, faith, and society, discovering that many of our values and beliefs align, or so it seems. He expressed possible romantic interest in me a few days later despite having never seen a photo of me, saying that we might be compatible because of our shared values. I told him I'm not sure how to feel and that we need to take things slow first and get to know each other better, which he agreed to and respected my wishes. Even though I am proceeding with caution when it comes to him and can't be sure of who he truly is ultimately, I have a good overall impression of him so far. He seems polite, supportive, and humble, though I don't currently hold strong conscious feelings for him. Now for the dream: I dreamt that me and this same guy were in the lobby of a local upscale hotel. We were sitting next to one another (I believe he was sitting directly on my left) holding a pamphlet detailing all the kinds of rooms available in that hotel. He was discussing with me what sort of room we should stay in for that night, and expressed interest in choosing the best and most expensive options. I vividly remember feeling nervous yet excited-- it was as though we were actually in a relationship and this was going to be my first night with him, though I can't say for sure that was the reason why I felt a little nervous. I may have also been excited about us gaining a new experience and creating a new memory together. The dream randomly transports the two of us to a spacious high story of a fancy office building with many desks and employees. He was sitting at the side, as though he was waiting for me. I was at one of the desks speaking with a very kind woman who offered me a variety of sweet treats to me for free, among them being cake pops. I believe the dream ended when I collected my treats and began walking towards him. I can't help but feel like this dream means something. Please let me know your thoughts. If additional details about myself and my life help for the sake of context: I am a psychology major attending a community college. I feel single on and off and feel desires frequently, but have never actively sought a relationship. I have chronic anxiety and carry a lot of secondhand trauma from witnessing other failed relationships, so I fear falling for manipulators and abusers like those close to me have. For the longest time, I've held a strong belief that successful relationships can never start from the Internet, especially after growing up with my estranged parents knowing they met through the Internet. However, meeting this guy as well as seeing the testimonies of other people who met their partners online and being happy with them is starting to make me change my mind a little.

This dream may represent your subconscious desires and anxieties about your potential relationship with the guy you have been talking to online. The upscale hotel symbolizes the potential for a luxurious and exciting relationship, while the pamphlet and discussion about room options may represent your thoughts and considerations about taking the next step in your relationship. Your nervousness and excitement in the dream may reflect your conflicting emotions about pursuing a relationship with someone you have never met in person. The dream’s sudden shift to a fancy office building may symbolize your desire for stability and security in the relationship, as well as your hope for a positive outcome. The kind woman offering you treats may represent your inner desires for love and affection. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your thoughts and feelings about the potential for a relationship with this guy, and your subconscious is processing these emotions while you sleep.