The Symbolism of a Pastor’s Wife in a Dream

The Symbolism of a Pastor’s Wife in a Dream
I dreamed about a pastor's wife dressed in a white bridal outfit walking into the church but no under garments. Then she suddenly changed into all black. I also dreamed about some prominent evangelists that are no longer with us. There where people dancing in short skirts which seemed unholy in a church. We all were waiting for the senior pastor to arrive in a chariot being held up by men but he didn't arrive. I was standing on the side and watching all this and a man came up to me and said that my room was reading and he can take my bags up.

The dream begins with a pastor’s wife dressed in a white bridal outfit, symbolizing purity and holiness. However, the fact that she is not wearing any undergarments suggests a lack of spiritual covering or protection. This could represent a vulnerability or weakness in her faith or character. The sudden change into all black could symbolize a fall from grace or a turning away from God. This could be a warning to the dreamer to be cautious of their own spiritual state and to seek accountability and guidance from others in their faith journey.

The appearance of prominent evangelists who have passed away could represent the influence and impact they had on the dreamer’s spiritual life. It could also symbolize the importance of honoring and remembering those who have gone before us in the faith.

The people dancing in short skirts in the church could represent a lack of reverence and respect for God’s house. It could also symbolize a temptation or distraction from the true purpose of the church. The dreamer’s position of standing on the side and observing could suggest a feeling of being an outsider or not fully engaged in their faith community.

The senior pastor’s absence and the chariot being held up by men could symbolize a delay or hindrance in the fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes. This could be a reminder for the dreamer to trust in God’s timing and to not rely on human efforts or expectations.

The man offering to take the dreamer’s bags could represent a helper or guide in their spiritual journey. It could also symbolize the need to let go of burdens or baggage that may be hindering their relationship with God. Overall, this dream serves as a reminder to stay vigilant in one’s faith and to seek guidance and support from others in the church community.