The Symbolism of a School Bus and Family Dynamics in a Dream

The Symbolism of a School Bus and Family Dynamics in a Dream
I dreamt that I was in a school bus and I was looking forward to the stop where my crush would get picked up. I had been sitting on one chair and placed a plastic box full of toy cars on the chair, so that no one would sit with me. When it was his stop, I moved toward the window side and placed the box on my legs. But he sat somewhere in front, so I was a little sad. Then we arrived at a place and I got off. The dream became different. I don't remember much but I know that there was an old lady knitting near a fire outside. Inside, I remember seeing my real life cousin (mum's family side) whom I haven't seen in years. I told him he looked similar to a guy that was on the TV screen. I forgot the rest but then I went outside and saw lots of dad's family arrive, so I had to join them too for the gathering. I started greeting them all. Then my dad walked toward me with arms open and held me, and I very awkwardly let him do it but also rejected it at the same time. I greeted other relatives and then this woman behaved strangely. An aunt said that the woman was leaving us soon, as in dying, that's why she behaved like that. Then I went inside and looked at all the rooms to see the kids. Some has grown up a lot. Then I saw a nephew that is from a distant family of my father but I saw him grow up a bit. At some point when I came back to the living room, I saw my dad near him. It's important to say that my nephew was lying in a big bed in that living room since I arrived. Now, my dad was standing near him and doing something with him I couldn't see. I just had this feeling, this bad feeling that he was doing something to him. I mean that he was touching his penis and helping him to ejaculate. I was very troubled and didn't what to do. My dad turned around and walked away, my nephew laid back down in the bed, under the cover. I followed my dad from behind and he pulled a cloth and wiped his hands, confirming my suspicions. I quickly ate some food, but I was having asthma. Turns out that in real life, my head was turned to the side and I had difficulties breathing. In the dream I had asthma badly and frantically looked for my puffer. It was sealed with a sticker too which made me lose more time. I took two puffs of it and ran out of the house where the gathering occurred. I ran back to the house I was in the first place, with the old lady who was like my mother, my cousin, and other nice people. Then I noticed that the house with the gathering has caught on fire in a corner. It was the corner opposite to where my nephew was in bed. We all ran inside the house with the old lady, and the other house that caught on fire was successfully extinguished. It was all black on the side. I went to check and everyone was fine.

This dream may represent your desire for attention and validation from your crush, as seen through your actions of reserving a seat for yourself and placing a box of toy cars to prevent anyone from sitting with you. The arrival of your crush’s stop may symbolize a potential opportunity for a romantic connection. However, your disappointment when he sits elsewhere may reflect your fear of rejection or feelings of inadequacy. The shift to a different setting and the appearance of family members may suggest a shift in focus to your personal relationships and familial dynamics. The old lady knitting near a fire may represent a nurturing and comforting maternal figure, while your cousin may symbolize a familiar and supportive presence. The mention of a dying woman may symbolize unresolved emotions or issues within your family. The scene with your father may suggest feelings of discomfort or unease in your relationship with him, possibly stemming from past experiences or conflicts. The fire and your struggle with asthma may symbolize intense emotions or stress in your waking life. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about your relationships and the desire for love and acceptance.