The Symbolism of a Tall Foreign Boyfriend in a Dream

The Symbolism of a Tall Foreign Boyfriend in a Dream
Saw a dream where a tall man was my boyfriend in my dream he didn't look from my country he had bread and alot taller than me I was looking at his height we were walking together but I knew he was boyfriend or a man something because in my dream he was involved in my life as I was finding heels to wear to match his height so we will go to a function together

Dreaming of a tall foreign man as a boyfriend symbolizes a desire for a new and exciting romantic relationship. The man’s height represents a sense of security and protection, while his foreignness suggests a longing for something different and exotic. The fact that he is involved in your life and you are trying to match his height with heels indicates a desire for balance and harmony in the relationship. This dream may also reflect a need for adventure and a break from routine in your love life. Alternatively, it could represent a fear of commitment or a fear of being judged by others for your choice of partner. Overall, this dream suggests a desire for a fulfilling and passionate relationship with someone who is different from your usual type.