The Symbolism of Adoption and Loss in a Dream

The Symbolism of Adoption and Loss in a Dream
I had a dream about being in a room and a lady brought a box of babies in, and set them on a counter. They were all naked and sleeping but all alive. I asked her about them and she told me they were going to bury them and leave. (I’ve had this part of the dream before) I was so angry with the lady and she told me they were unwanted and they couldn’t find any place for them. So I asked her if I could take 1? I picked 1 from the top, she was the biggest, smiling, not super cute, and had a much darker spot on her chest than any other baby. I didn’t even know how I could pick just 1 but I did. I went to tell Tim what I did and that we were entering that stage again. He was good with it. Somehow we were in the process of adopting another one and we were still waiting on her. 5 girls we were going to have. I was excited to tell Shannon, Chelsea, and a few others that I was again going to have littles. They asked about how I was going to do school and I said they were young enough I would take them with and they could sit in classroom with us. Next thing I know I went back to our house where I laid the baby down to sleep, I think, or maybe I just left her. The house was gone! Next thing I know as I’m standing there the foundation starts dropping around me and is relaid. Then the house begins to fall upon the foundation only it is in a heap and not put back together. I freak out because I am worried the baby is crushed, and I am unharmed in the process. As I begin to search for her, I start calling out Emma, which was her given name. I hear her crying sporadically and quietly. Magically I’m back in the house walking up and down stairs and searching rooms. As I’m trying to find out where the whimpers are coming from a middle aged oriental man comes in my house. He starts calling for her and asks me where she is. I told him last time I heard her was upstairs and I had been through the whole house. He went to the basement instead and started looking and calling. I went back upstairs to look. As I was coming back down, the man, and a teenage boy and girl come upstairs with him and a pillowcase stuffed with things. I heard the baby in there. I asked them for her back, the kids said no. So I asked if I could see her one last time and give her love. They started to talk to their dad and he told them I could. So I began to open the sack and as I was taking her out, they began to tell me all the issues with her. That she might even be possessed or have powers beyond what we can harness. She was the one who scrambled the house and foundation, is dangerous, and was evil. That is when I woke up.

This dream may represent feelings of loss and longing for something or someone that is missing in your life. The room symbolizes a safe and contained space, while the lady bringing in a box of babies may represent the arrival of new opportunities or possibilities. The babies being naked and sleeping could symbolize vulnerability and innocence. The fact that they are all alive suggests that these opportunities are still within reach. However, the lady’s plan to bury them and leave may symbolize a fear of losing these opportunities or not being able to fully embrace them. Your anger towards the lady may reflect your frustration with the idea of losing something valuable. Your decision to adopt one of the babies may represent your desire to hold onto one of these opportunities, even if it may not be the most perfect or ideal one. The fact that you are entering a new stage and adopting another baby may symbolize a new chapter in your life and the potential for growth and change. The number 5 could represent balance and harmony, as well as the idea of a complete family. Your excitement to share this news with others may reflect your desire for support and validation from those close to you. The concern about how you will manage school and the babies may symbolize the challenges and responsibilities that come with embracing new opportunities. The disappearance of your house and the foundation dropping may represent a sense of instability or uncertainty in your life. The fact that you are unharmed while the house falls apart may symbolize your resilience and ability to adapt to change. The search for the baby, named Emma, may represent your search for a sense of security and stability amidst the chaos. The oriental man and his children may symbolize different aspects of yourself, with the man representing wisdom and guidance, and the children representing your inner child and youthful energy. The pillowcase stuffed with things may symbolize the baggage or issues that come with embracing new opportunities. The fact that the children initially refuse to give the baby back may represent your fear of losing control or not being able to fully handle the challenges that come with change. However, the father’s decision to let you see the baby and give her love may symbolize the importance of nurturing and caring for yourself during times of change and uncertainty. The mention of the baby possibly being possessed or having powers beyond your understanding may represent your fear of the unknown and the potential risks that come with embracing new opportunities. Overall, this dream may reflect your inner conflicts and fears surrounding change and the unknown, as well as your desire for stability and security in the face of these changes.