The Symbolism of Birds in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective

The Symbolism of Birds in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective
whole lot of birds close to where i am ..heard a voice saying do not be afraid they will not bite you ... i caught the red one ... and the black bird came walking too me .. i put them into a cage ... the rest of the birds followed the two in the cage

In this dream, the dreamer is surrounded by a large group of birds and hears a voice reassuring them that they will not be harmed. The dreamer then catches a red bird and a black bird, and puts them in a cage, which causes the rest of the birds to follow suit. This dream holds significant symbolism, as birds are often mentioned in the Bible and hold various meanings.

Birds are often seen as messengers of God in the Bible, and their presence in this dream could symbolize a message or revelation that the dreamer is receiving. The fact that the dreamer is surrounded by a large group of birds could represent the abundance of blessings and guidance that God is providing. The voice that reassures the dreamer could be seen as the voice of God, providing comfort and protection.

The red bird that the dreamer catches could represent passion, love, and vitality. This could symbolize the dreamer’s strong faith and connection with God. The black bird, on the other hand, could represent darkness, fear, and negativity. By catching and caging the black bird, the dreamer is taking control over their fears and doubts, and allowing themselves to be guided by their faith.

The fact that the rest of the birds follow the two in the cage could symbolize the dreamer’s influence and leadership in their community. By following the example of the dreamer, others are also able to overcome their fears and find strength in their faith. This dream could be seen as a reminder to the dreamer to trust in God and to use their faith to guide and inspire others.

Overall, this dream is a powerful symbol of the dreamer’s strong faith and their ability to overcome their fears and doubts with the guidance of God. It serves as a reminder to trust in God’s plan and to use one’s faith to inspire and lead others towards a brighter future.