The Symbolism of Cats in a Dream of Returning to Childhood

The Symbolism of Cats in a Dream of Returning to Childhood
I find myself back to Andheri station when I was very young and had that habit of running away. It was a whole square and I run away again as my mother and sister stand at the bus stop. And then I feel so lost and alone and almost crying come back to them. And then, we are in the house and I can hear my mami’s house from behind asking my mother, “Where had I been?” As we stand huddled together, a strange thing happens. We all turn into cats!

This dream may represent a desire to return to a simpler time in your life, symbolized by the Andheri station and your childhood habit of running away. The square may represent a sense of being trapped or confined in your current life. The act of running away again may suggest a desire to escape from your responsibilities or current situation. The feeling of being lost and alone may reflect feelings of isolation or disconnection from others. The transformation into cats may symbolize a desire for independence and freedom, as cats are often associated with these qualities. The question from your mami’s house may represent a need for validation or approval from a maternal figure. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious desires for a simpler, more carefree life and a sense of independence and autonomy.