The Symbolism of Crowded Places and Hostile Animals in Your Dreams

The Symbolism of Crowded Places and Hostile Animals in Your Dreams
I have been having dreams of being in packed places constantly. The people are different and sometimes I recognize certain people along with a lot of random people I don't recognize. Sometimes the same people will appear in like 2-3 dreams I have. There are even animals I see such as dogs or cats and the animals are hostile or dont have good energy. It's usually a room or houses I don't recognize. Other times it's random places I'm roaming through like restaurants,events, or as if you are out and about. Other times it is places I do recognize like my old high school. What do you think this means?

Dreaming of being in packed places can symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or suffocated in your waking life. The constant presence of different people, some familiar and some strangers, may represent the various influences and pressures you are facing. The recurring appearance of certain individuals could indicate unresolved issues or relationships that need attention. The hostile or negative energy of the animals in your dreams may reflect your own inner turmoil or conflicts with others. The unfamiliar or unrecognizable locations could represent unfamiliar territory or new experiences in your life. Seeing your old high school could symbolize nostalgia or a desire to revisit the past. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your current state of mind and the need to address any overwhelming emotions or situations in your waking life.