The Symbolism of Dogs and Family in a Rainy Dream

The Symbolism of Dogs and Family in a Rainy Dream
um omg so i had a dream and i ended up at my moms house and it was like raining rlly hard so i wanted to go up to food lion and see the parking lot to make sure it was okay or something, so im walking there and i end up seeing my father doing something with his friends and i talk and i keep going so then i find this dog and i think i named her cookie and we kept walking and then crossing the train tracks i found another one and then i finally made it to food lion but there were police so i turn back around, so now im otw back home and idk why but its like a bunch of ppl ik like everywhere, like just in random places sitting down and for some reason kendrell what’s it called brother was there and he started walking with me back home and i finally get back home and i have another dog lol, anyways so i get back home and its a completely different house and my mom and dad are in there together and i get back and your there and he is there to so i told someone im like you can’t come in your brother is here, so i left the door open just in case he still wanted to come in, and then he heard him and got up and gave me a kiss bye… and then after he had left me, u and my mom and dad decided we were gonna keep all three dogs and i dont know what we named them but all ik is cookie was my favorite dog, i loved her 😂

This dream may represent your desire for stability and protection in your life. The rain symbolizes emotional turmoil and the need for comfort, which leads you to seek out your mother’s house. Your father’s presence may represent a need for guidance and support from a male figure. The dogs could symbolize loyalty and companionship, and the fact that you find two of them may suggest that you are seeking out multiple sources of support. The train tracks may represent a journey or path in your life, and crossing them could symbolize overcoming obstacles. The police at the store may represent authority or rules that you feel you must follow. Your brother’s presence may symbolize a need for sibling support and connection. The change in houses may represent a desire for a fresh start or new perspective. Overall, this dream may reflect your longing for a stable and supportive family dynamic, as represented by the dogs and your parents being together.