The Symbolism of Family and Connection in a Dream About an On-and-Off Relationship

The Symbolism of Family and Connection in a Dream About an On-and-Off Relationship
I had a dream about me and a guy that I’ve been talking on and off to for 5 years. In the dream he was getting his hair braided at the stylists house and I ended up coming there. I thought him and the stylist were flirting and stuff but they weren’t. She ended up leaving with her 2 kids and left me and Amos in her house. He took me to a room and started showing me pictures and pointed out a picture of me and said he liked it. When I looked at the photos, it was pictures of me younger and older and they came in all the boxes like the ones my grandma has in her home. He then said he spoke to my family and got the pictures from them. He said he apologized to them as well. There were cards and drawn pictures that seemed to have a little water damage on them. I told him I wanted to box the pictures back up so they won’t get damaged.

This dream may represent your subconscious desires and fears surrounding your relationship with this person. The fact that you have been talking on and off for five years suggests that there may be unresolved feelings or issues between the two of you. The setting of the dream, at a stylist’s house, may symbolize the idea of transformation and change. Perhaps you are both in a transitional phase in your relationship, and the dream is reflecting your anxieties about where it may lead. The presence of the stylist and her children may represent the idea of family and commitment, which may be important factors in your relationship. The pictures of you, both younger and older, may symbolize the different stages of your life and how this person has been a constant presence throughout. The water damage on the cards and drawings may suggest that there have been challenges and difficulties in your relationship, but the fact that he has spoken to your family and apologized may indicate a desire for reconciliation and a deeper connection. The dream may be urging you to confront your feelings and communicate openly with this person in order to move forward in your relationship.