The Symbolism of Fire and Angels in a Mysterious Dream

The Symbolism of Fire and Angels in a Mysterious Dream
Dream I Had Last Night… I was in a house I have never seen before and it was full of people I did not know. The energy in the atmosphere was one of keeping watch. Then a young woman with blond hair came up to me and said, “Pray with me”…I said the Lords Prayer with her. I was presented with hazelnut chocolates and I ate some. I could taste it. Suddenly, I saw a white cat. I have a white cat in my waking life. I had a feeling it was my cat. Then I saw the young blonde girl try to hop a railing in the house to another part of the house but she didn’t get over. I realized that everyone started panicking. So I somehow started looking for my white cat and my mom. My cat followed me and I held my mom but it didn’t look like her it looked more like a creature. I saw the front door. It was white with gold handles. I ran outside and looked up at the sky and saw these beings covered entirely with white feathers from top to bottom. They had wings and on top of their heads was the color red seemingly resting on their heads. There were 4 of them descending to earth. Next to them was a huge round metal looking ring and connecting to it were smaller rings. Altogether making 7 of them. The beings threw fire onto the earth I looked for a car and found one with the keys in the ignition. I got in and started it. I drove a little amidst panicking people I went back to the house from the beginning and my hair caught fire and people pointed it out but I could not feel any burning. To put the fire out I said The Lords Prayer and the fire went out. I went back outside and the beings were descending closer from the sky standing straight as if to land on earth with their feet.

The dreamer finds themselves in an unfamiliar house, surrounded by strangers and a sense of unease. This could represent a feeling of being out of place or disconnected in their waking life. The young blonde woman who asks the dreamer to pray with her could symbolize a need for guidance or spiritual connection. The hazelnut chocolates could represent indulgence or temptation. The appearance of the dreamer’s white cat, which transforms into a creature, could symbolize a fear or uncertainty about their own identity or relationships. The white door with gold handles could represent a new opportunity or path in life. The beings with white feathers and red crowns descending to earth could symbolize a higher power or divine intervention. The fire they throw onto the earth could represent a destructive force or a purifying transformation. The dreamer’s ability to put out the fire with the Lord’s Prayer could symbolize their inner strength and resilience. The car and keys could represent a sense of control or direction in life. Overall, this dream may suggest a need for spiritual guidance and a desire for a sense of purpose and direction in life.