The Symbolism of Flowers in a Dream About an Ex

The Symbolism of Flowers in a Dream About an Ex
I was in a grocery store and as I was reaching for something I looked next to me and saw my ex was next to me focused on grabbing something too. I said hey and she looked at me and also said hi. She was dressed casual / slightly elevated. She was holding flowers in a pot. There’s were only two flowers in the pot and they were so wimpy that the head of the flowers popped off as we were talking and she had to get new ones. She told me she was getting them for a date and I told her I’m sure her date would appreciate them. I felt sad inside and was feeling a lot of emotion so my answers were pretty short. At another point she said I was an amazing girlfriend in passing as I was turning around and walking away. Someone who I didn’t know but seemed to know somehow the dream told me my ex has been frustrated trying to find a good human / struggling to find someone she connected with as much as me

This dream may represent unresolved feelings towards your ex and the desire for closure. The grocery store symbolizes the choices and options in your life, and the fact that you were both reaching for something may suggest a shared goal or desire. The casual yet slightly elevated attire of your ex could symbolize a sense of familiarity and comfort, but also a sense of growth and change. The flowers in a pot may represent the potential for growth and new beginnings, but the fact that they were wimpy and had to be replaced could symbolize the fragility of the relationship. Your ex getting them for a date could symbolize moving on and finding someone new, while your sadness and short answers may suggest lingering feelings and difficulty in fully letting go. The unknown person’s comment about your ex struggling to find someone she connected with as much as you could represent your own doubts and insecurities about finding someone new. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your emotions and thoughts about your past relationship and the potential for new beginnings.