The Symbolism of Loss and Letting Go: A Dream of Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones

The Symbolism of Loss and Letting Go: A Dream of Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones
I was on this beach with white sand and there weren’t any other people around. It was quiet and windy. My deceased grandmother was standing in front of me in the ocean while holding my deceased son in one arm and my deceased niece resting on her hip. They were standing like 15 feet back in the ocean. The waves started picking up and were progressively splashing higher on her body. I started yelling for her to come closer and get out of the water but she stood still with a blank face, just staring at me. The waves started crashing over them and enveloping their bodies. I would get sight of them standing in the water for a second but the waves kept getting stronger and camouflaging them. I just kept yelling for them to come to me and be safe and eventually they were just gone. There was a monstrous wave and they were abducted.

This dream may represent your subconscious processing the loss of your loved ones and the emotions associated with it. The beach with white sand symbolizes a peaceful and serene state of mind, while the absence of other people suggests a feeling of isolation and loneliness. The wind may represent change and the passing of time. Your deceased grandmother, son, and niece may symbolize different aspects of yourself or your past. The fact that they are standing in the ocean, a symbol of the unknown and the depths of the subconscious, may suggest that they are no longer physically present but still hold a significant place in your psyche. The waves getting stronger and engulfing them may represent the overwhelming emotions and memories associated with their passing. Your attempts to save them may reflect your desire to hold onto them and keep them close, but ultimately, you must let go and allow them to be at peace. The monstrous wave and their abduction may symbolize the finality of their passing and the need to accept and move on from their absence. This dream may be a reminder to honor and cherish the memories of your loved ones, but also to find peace and closure in their passing.