The Symbolism of Rainbows in Dreams

The Symbolism of Rainbows in Dreams
I had to go to the store for medicine. On the way there, we were driving through a rain storm with hail. I pulled in Walmart parking lot and was backing into a parking spot. Elijah said "mom, look behind you." I looked behind me and there was a very bright rainbow a the end of the parking lot. I took a picture of the rainbow and went inside. The rainbow was gone when we came out. On the way home, we saw 3 more partial rainbows.

In this dream, the dreamer is on a journey to obtain medicine, which can symbolize a need for healing or restoration in their life. The rainstorm and hail represent the challenges and obstacles they may face on this journey. However, the dreamer is accompanied by their child, Elijah, who can symbolize innocence and purity. This could suggest that the dreamer has a strong support system or a sense of protection during difficult times.

As they arrive at Walmart, the dreamer is backing into a parking spot, which can symbolize a need to slow down and take a moment to reflect. This is when Elijah points out a bright rainbow at the end of the parking lot. In the Bible, rainbows are a symbol of God’s promise and covenant with humanity. This could suggest that the dreamer is being reminded of God’s faithfulness and protection during their journey.

The dreamer takes a picture of the rainbow, which can symbolize a desire to hold onto this reminder and keep it close. However, when they come out of the store, the rainbow is gone. This could symbolize the fleeting nature of God’s promises and the need to constantly seek and remember them.

On the way home, the dreamer sees three more partial rainbows. This could symbolize the presence of God’s promises and blessings in their life, even in the midst of challenges and difficulties. It could also suggest that the dreamer is on the right path and that God is guiding them towards their destination.

Overall, this dream could be a reminder for the dreamer to trust in God’s promises and to have faith that He will guide them through any challenges they may face. It could also be a message to slow down and reflect on the journey, and to remember that God’s promises are always present, even if they may not always be visible.