The Symbolism of Slanted Floors and Rushing Water in a Dream

The Symbolism of Slanted Floors and Rushing Water in a Dream
I dreamed my brother’s house had floors that were slanting and outside I could see water rushing from underneath it down a hillside. His house was filled with strangers that were supposed to be pet of his new family and his wife was someone different and she’d just had a baby she did seem to want.

In the Bible, water often represents the Holy Spirit and the cleansing and renewal it brings. The slanted floors in this dream could symbolize an unstable foundation, possibly in the dreamer’s brother’s life or family. The rushing water could represent a spiritual cleansing or renewal that is needed in this situation. The strangers in the house could represent unfamiliar or unknown influences in the dreamer’s brother’s life, possibly leading to a sense of unease or discomfort. The new wife and unwanted baby could symbolize a new relationship or responsibility that the dreamer’s brother is not fully ready for or committed to. This dream could be a warning to the dreamer to pray for their brother and his family, and to be aware of any potential negative influences or changes in their lives. It could also be a reminder to trust in the Holy Spirit to guide and protect them through any uncertain or unstable situations. Overall, this dream may be a call to prayer and discernment in the dreamer’s relationship with their brother and his family.