The Symbolism of Snakes and Love in a Dream

The Symbolism of Snakes and Love in a Dream
Today, i saw a dream in which i fell in love with a girl. I don't remember it clearly now. At first, i saw that i was with my family and all of a sudden a snake was in my mom's hand and she was trying to hold it in her hand so that it doesn't hurt us. Then i saw a very big, (really big, width size of a truck) snake. I wasn't afraid much but i was a little worried. It didn't attack us. Then, i enter a scene where i met a girl (who i know in irl) and her friend (who i dont know, i dont know if she exists in real life). I started liking her a little. Next scene, i saw a man was chasing me and that girl. He left a black, very wide hooded snake, at us. I somehow saved her and this incident made her fall in love with me too. We went for a walk, talked about some things. Very Warm and cozy feeling (i am single irl). After some time, i remember i was trying to follow someone and i saw a lion like diety and i prayed to him and started following them. I know it's ridiculous. I dont remember it clearly, so there are gaps.But what could be the interpretation of my dream.

This dream may represent your subconscious desires and fears related to love and relationships. The presence of snakes can symbolize hidden fears or temptations, while the size and color of the snakes may represent the intensity of these emotions. The fact that your mother was trying to protect you from the snake could suggest a need for protection or guidance in your love life. The appearance of a new girl, who you know in real life, could symbolize a potential romantic interest or a desire for a new relationship. The man chasing you and the girl could represent external pressures or obstacles in your pursuit of love. The lion-like deity may symbolize strength and courage, and your prayer to it could suggest a need for guidance and support in your romantic endeavors. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about love and relationships, and the need to confront and overcome any fears or challenges in this area of your life.