The Symbolism of Snakes in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective

The Symbolism of Snakes in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective
I dreamed I was coming out the personal door of my garage, and I dropped something, maybe my keys, when I bent to retrieve them there were a lot of snakes, non- poisonous, under a tarp watching me. I looked under my deck, and there were hundreds more there watching me. As I turned to my left there were still more. All these snakes were just lying very still, and watching me. What does this mean?

In the Bible, snakes are often associated with deception, temptation, and evil. In this dream, the snakes represent hidden dangers or temptations that are lurking in the dreamer’s life. The fact that they are non-poisonous may suggest that these dangers are not immediately harmful, but they still have the potential to cause harm if not dealt with properly. The dreamer’s garage and personal door symbolize their personal space and boundaries, and the fact that the snakes are present in this area suggests that the dreamer may be feeling vulnerable or invaded in some way.

The act of dropping something, possibly the dreamer’s keys, may symbolize a loss of control or a feeling of being unprepared for these hidden dangers. This could also represent a fear of losing something important or valuable in the face of these temptations.

The large number of snakes under the tarp and under the deck may represent the magnitude of these hidden dangers and the overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by them. The fact that they are all watching the dreamer could suggest that these temptations are constantly present and watching for an opportunity to strike.

The dreamer’s reaction of turning to their left may symbolize a desire to avoid or escape from these temptations. However, the fact that there are still more snakes in that direction suggests that these dangers cannot be avoided and must be faced head on.

Overall, this dream may be a warning to the dreamer to be vigilant and aware of potential temptations and dangers in their life. It may also be a reminder to stay strong in their faith and rely on God’s guidance and protection to overcome these challenges.