The Symbolism of Snakes in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective

The Symbolism of Snakes in Dreams: A Biblical Perspective
I saw 2 snakes. One of them was very large. The smaller snake tried to get away but i blocked it with a gas tank by rolling it in front of it. I then proceeded to cut off its head. the other snake, the large one, i could not see the head because of the way it was wrapped up, so i stabbed it repeatedly all over. Later on, the snake appeared to turn into an older man, and when i looked at him he was sitting in a bed, but appeared to be in great pain

In the Bible, snakes are often associated with deception, temptation, and evil. In this dream, the presence of two snakes may represent a duality or conflict within the dreamer’s own psyche. The smaller snake, which the dreamer blocks and ultimately kills, could symbolize a smaller, more manageable temptation or struggle. The dreamer’s use of a gas tank to block the snake may suggest a reliance on external or material means to overcome this temptation. However, the act of cutting off the snake’s head could symbolize a desire to completely eliminate this temptation from the dreamer’s life.

The larger snake, which the dreamer cannot see the head of, may represent a more powerful and insidious temptation or struggle. The dreamer’s repeated stabbing of the snake could symbolize a desperate attempt to overcome this temptation, but ultimately being unable to fully defeat it.

The transformation of the snake into an older man could symbolize the dreamer’s realization that this temptation or struggle is not just an external force, but also a part of themselves. The man’s appearance in a bed and in great pain could represent the consequences and suffering that come from giving into this temptation.

Overall, this dream may be a warning to the dreamer to be vigilant against temptation and to rely on inner strength and faith rather than external means to overcome it. It may also be a reminder to seek forgiveness and healing for any past mistakes or struggles. As the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13, ‘No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.’