The Symbolism of the Cross in a Dream

The Symbolism of the Cross in a Dream
In my dream, I was with an old friend that I haven't seen for quite some time now. I'm not sure of the relevance, but I was working in a restaurant as a dishwasher, it only showed that part of the dream for a few seconds. After those few seconds passed, I soon left the restaurant and was with my friend, Joe. We had a party, and I was taking pills while drinking copious amounts of alcohol (I do not do this anymore, I used to take pills and drink as a form of "coping") I soon saw him tattooing me, and then I blacked out in my dream. Once I came to, from my left to right shoulder and neck to end of torso, was this beautifully tattooed Cross. I couldn't make out the scripture, but it was written on the cross. I had other spots of scripture written on my body that I couldn't make out as well. Once I fully came to in my dream, afar from me was my ex -girlfriend, who I am still madly in-love with, she didn't say anything to me, she just stood there, staring at me. She was wearing this elegantly crafted dress, it was a piercing white, with embroidery and lace material.

In this dream, the dreamer is reunited with an old friend and is working as a dishwasher in a restaurant. This could symbolize a desire for reconnection and a sense of being stuck in a mundane job. The dreamer then engages in self-destructive behavior, taking pills and drinking excessively, which could represent a need for escape or a struggle with past coping mechanisms. The friend, Joe, then tattoos the dreamer with a beautifully adorned cross, representing the dreamer’s faith and the desire for spiritual guidance. The dreamer is unable to make out the scripture on the cross, suggesting a need for clarity and understanding in their faith. The dreamer also has other scriptures written on their body, symbolizing a desire for a deeper connection with God and a need for guidance in their spiritual journey. The dreamer’s ex-girlfriend, whom they are still in love with, appears in an elegant white dress, representing purity and innocence. This could symbolize the dreamer’s longing for a pure and loving relationship. Overall, this dream could be a reflection of the dreamer’s inner struggles and desires for spiritual growth and meaningful connections in their life.