The Symbolism of the Ensuite House in the Dream

The Symbolism of the Ensuite House in the Dream
I took someone to see my house, it doesn't look like my present house. but I knew this on the dream, because I gave a tour of the house with the person. The house had many ensuite rooms and a large open space bathroom and toilets. I noticed some toilets were broken and not been used for a while. Also in the dream I noted a wing in the house was unoccupied.

The dream of taking someone to see a house that does not resemble your present one holds significant symbolism in the Bible. Houses in dreams often represent our spiritual state or our relationship with God. In this dream, the house represents your spiritual life and the person you took to see it represents God or a spiritual guide.

The fact that the house has many ensuite rooms suggests that you have a strong foundation in your faith and a deep understanding of spiritual matters. Ensuite rooms are private and intimate, indicating a close relationship with God. The large open space bathroom and toilets symbolize a need for cleansing and purification in your spiritual life. This could mean that you are seeking forgiveness for past mistakes or trying to rid yourself of negative thoughts and behaviors.

The broken toilets that have not been used for a while represent areas of your spiritual life that have been neglected or forgotten. This could be a sign that you need to address these issues and seek healing and restoration in those areas. The unoccupied wing of the house suggests that there is potential for growth and expansion in your spiritual life. It may also indicate that there are untapped gifts and talents that you have yet to discover and utilize for God’s purpose.

Overall, this dream is a reminder to pay attention to your spiritual life and to seek cleansing and restoration where needed. It also encourages you to explore new opportunities for growth and to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory.