The dreamer’s choice of clothing, a maroon tee shirt and black trousers, represents their desire for stability and balance in their waking life. The color maroon is associated with grounding and practicality, while black symbolizes authority and control. The dreamer’s walk down a street with terraced houses on both sides suggests a journey towards finding a sense of security and structure. The big black bag they carry represents the burdens and responsibilities they are carrying in their waking life. The number 12, heard or seen by the dreamer, may symbolize completion or a need for closure in a certain aspect of their life. Passing by children playing in the street may represent the dreamer’s inner child and a desire for more playfulness and spontaneity. The encounter with the old man at the bus stop may symbolize the dreamer’s need for guidance and wisdom. The dreamer’s indecision in choosing food options in the shop may reflect their current lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in their waking life. Overall, this dream suggests a need for balance, guidance, and a sense of purpose in the dreamer’s life.