The Symbolism of the Red Cow and Black Horse in a Dark Dream

The Symbolism of the Red Cow and Black Horse in a Dark Dream
I saw a line of green trees in an open field. Looked to be of cedar trees. Some fully grown and green some were smaller and less green. And, from a fully grown green tree. a red cow sprang forth from the soil without being covered with dirt or grit. It drank from one of several swirling pools of water. Then next to the full green tree the red cow arose from, a black horse came forth, from the earth, from beneath a small dry parched tree. Suddenly, from the pools of water the water began to rise and rise until it reached a black building. I felt a looming dark presence was in it. There was no door and the water came into the buiding and within there was a man who had legs of a beast with two golden horns facing a wall and a shrine. Then it began to rain and thunder heavily. I heard a loud deafening noise come from the sky and thunder struck the dark building. Old looking parchment, on the floor of the building set fire on its own, and fell to the floor around the horned beast man, and were swallowed because the water rose higher and higher, until a flood arose. I knew the horned man would drown but I was not worried, rather instead, I was relieved. I wondered about the red cow in the beginning of the dream but I knew it was alive and well. I felt the purpose for its flesh was clean water. This made no sense but I knew…I knew somehow the black horse belonged to the horned beast like man. Despite not having its master I knew it rode off into the distance…And, for this I was afraid. I knew it would find another dark master. A dark master that knows the previous dark master.

This dream is filled with symbolism and represents the inner struggles and fears of the dreamer. The line of green trees in an open field symbolizes growth and abundance, while the cedar trees represent strength and resilience. The fully grown and green trees represent stability and maturity, while the smaller and less green trees symbolize vulnerability and immaturity. The red cow, emerging from the fully grown green tree, represents the dreamer’s inner desires and passions. The cow drinking from the swirling pools of water symbolizes the dreamer’s need for nourishment and fulfillment. The black horse, emerging from the dry and parched tree, represents the dreamer’s fears and anxieties. The rising water and looming dark presence in the black building symbolize the dreamer’s overwhelming emotions and fears. The man with legs of a beast and golden horns facing a wall and shrine represents the dreamer’s inner demons and struggles. The rain and thunder symbolize the dreamer’s inner turmoil and the loud deafening noise from the sky represents the dreamer’s inner conflicts. The old parchment on the floor of the building catching fire and being swallowed by the rising water symbolizes the dreamer’s fears and insecurities being consumed by their overwhelming emotions. The drowning of the horned man represents the dreamer’s desire to overcome their inner struggles and fears. The red cow’s purpose for clean water symbolizes the dreamer’s need for purity and clarity in their life. The black horse riding off into the distance without its master represents the dreamer’s fear of their inner struggles and fears finding a new, darker master. Overall, this dream reflects the dreamer’s inner turmoil and their need to confront and overcome their fears and insecurities in order to find peace and clarity in their life.