The Symbolism of the Rising Crocosax in a Graveyard Dream

The Symbolism of the Rising Crocosax in a Graveyard Dream
I was standing by my husband’s grave in the churchyard , he died 25 years ago and buried there is my brother who died 2 years ago,it is a double plot. The grave was very clean no debris nothing except for a crocosax that covered something and it was rising from the grave . The sax came to the tip of the grave almost in line with the lower concrete but came no further . I stood there looking willing it to rise further so I could see what was under the sack but it hovered right there What is the meaning of this dream

This dream may symbolize unresolved emotions and a desire for closure. The graveyard represents a place of mourning and remembrance, while the husband’s grave and the brother’s grave represent two significant losses in the dreamer’s life. The double plot may suggest a sense of overwhelming grief and the need to process multiple losses at once. The clean grave with no debris may symbolize the dreamer’s attempt to keep their emotions in check and maintain a sense of control. The crocosax, a symbol of death and mourning, covering something may represent the dreamer’s buried emotions and memories related to the deceased loved ones. The rising of the sax may symbolize the dreamer’s desire to confront and understand these buried emotions. However, the sax stopping at the tip of the grave may suggest that the dreamer is not yet ready to fully confront these emotions. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s need to process and come to terms with their losses in order to find closure and move forward in their grief journey.