The Symbolism of the White Basket and the Owl in a Dream

The Symbolism of the White Basket and the Owl in a Dream
I found a large square white basket. It had a paper or thin lining. I pulled it off a shelf (outdoors or in a greenhouse) and it was filled with tiny, jumping green grasshoppers (I thought crickets in the dream). In the center was a small owl, eyes WIDE open looking at me. It had a snake wrapped around it!! 👀 In the corner was a small nest of baby snakes. I quickly pushed it back on the shelf, but then I said, “ok, ok, I have to save that owl.” 🦉 I pulled the basket back out, tried prying the snake with a stick. Then I felt determined, I would have to harm the snake to get it off the owl, but I woke up.

The dream of finding a large square white basket with a paper or thin lining represents a sense of containment and protection. The basket symbolizes the dreamer’s inner self, while the white color represents purity and innocence. The paper or thin lining suggests a fragile barrier between the dreamer’s inner self and the outside world. The fact that the basket was found on a shelf, either outdoors or in a greenhouse, indicates that the dreamer’s inner self is being exposed to external influences.

The tiny, jumping green grasshoppers or crickets inside the basket represent the dreamer’s thoughts and ideas. The fact that they are jumping suggests a sense of restlessness and a need for change. The small owl in the center with its eyes wide open symbolizes wisdom and insight. However, the presence of a snake wrapped around the owl suggests a threat to the dreamer’s wisdom and insight.

The nest of baby snakes in the corner represents hidden fears and anxieties. The dreamer’s initial reaction of pushing the basket back on the shelf suggests a desire to avoid confronting these fears. However, the dreamer’s determination to save the owl shows a willingness to face and overcome these fears. The use of a stick to pry the snake off the owl symbolizes the dreamer’s resourcefulness and ability to find solutions to difficult situations. The dream ends with the realization that harming the snake may be necessary to save the owl, indicating the dreamer’s willingness to make difficult decisions in order to protect their wisdom and insight. Overall, this dream suggests a need for the dreamer to confront their fears and make tough choices in order to protect their inner self and maintain their wisdom and insight.