The Symbolism of the White Tiger in a Dream

The Symbolism of the White Tiger in a Dream
dreaming of holding a book that is written in korean and the book cover is white tiger on it. I was just doing school project by visiting other school, but I ended up found a tiger white cub in a rather big cage. I showed the cub my book that he and the cover of my book are the same. and then he just go out from the cage, and chase me. I feel excited to show to my friends the cub bthat are also doing the same project

Dreaming of holding a book written in Korean with a white tiger on the cover may symbolize a desire for knowledge and understanding of a foreign culture. The white tiger, known for its rarity and strength, could represent your own unique qualities and potential. The school project may represent a personal project or goal that you are working on. The appearance of the white tiger cub in a cage could suggest feelings of being confined or limited in your pursuits. However, when the cub escapes and chases you, it could symbolize a fear of the unknown or a challenge that you must face. Showing the cub to your friends could indicate a desire for recognition or validation from others. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your curiosity, ambition, and the need to break free from limitations in order to achieve your goals.