The Symbolism of Worms and Breaking Records in a Dream

The Symbolism of Worms and Breaking Records in a Dream
I had the weirdest dream, I was eating an Apple and then someone pointed out it was a worm inside, I noticed it too but ignored it, then tons of worm started to appear and then I couldn't ignore them anymore and started to throw them away but they kept appearing and they started being white and small and whenever the time passed they were brown and big. I also dreamt that I broke a world record by almost dying doing the highest jump in a pool ever LMAO, what does this mean?

This dream may symbolize feelings of discomfort or unease in your waking life. The apple represents knowledge and temptation, while the worm inside could represent a hidden truth or unpleasant surprise. The fact that you initially ignored the worm could suggest a tendency to ignore or suppress uncomfortable truths. However, as more worms appear and grow in size, it becomes impossible to ignore them. This could indicate that the issue at hand is becoming more pressing and needs to be addressed. The color change from white to brown could symbolize a gradual deterioration or worsening of the situation.

The dream of breaking a world record by almost dying while attempting the highest jump in a pool could represent a desire for recognition and achievement. However, the fact that it almost resulted in death could suggest that this pursuit may be risky or dangerous. It could also symbolize a fear of failure or a need to push yourself to the limit. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious thoughts and emotions, urging you to confront uncomfortable truths and take calculated risks in pursuit of your goals.