The Temptation of Chocolate: A Biblical Perspective on Guilt and Self-Control

The Temptation of Chocolate: A Biblical Perspective on Guilt and Self-Control
I was in school and school production was happening. Just before it started I wanted chocolate. There was a tub of chocolate ice cream and a whole chocolate cake. I wanted both but only ate the tub of ice cream I felt so guilty about the calories and weight gain that I went straight to the toilets and tried to make myself throw up but could. Instead I fell asleep there and people found me. They took me to the stage and tried to deal with my problem there .

In this dream, the dreamer finds themselves in a school setting, surrounded by the excitement of a school production. However, their focus is quickly diverted to their desire for chocolate. They are presented with both a tub of chocolate ice cream and a whole chocolate cake, but ultimately choose to indulge in the ice cream. This decision is followed by feelings of guilt and a desperate attempt to rid themselves of the calories and potential weight gain. The dreamer’s attempt to make themselves throw up is unsuccessful, and they instead fall asleep in the bathroom. They are eventually found and brought to the stage, where their problem is addressed.

From a biblical perspective, this dream can be seen as a representation of the struggle between temptation and self-control. The school setting may symbolize a place of learning and growth, where the dreamer is faced with choices and challenges. The school production could represent the dreamer’s own personal journey and the desire to succeed.

The temptation of chocolate in the dream can be seen as a metaphor for the temptations and desires of the world. In the Bible, food is often used as a symbol of temptation and indulgence. In this dream, the dreamer’s desire for both the ice cream and cake may represent their struggle with multiple temptations and the difficulty of making a choice.

The dreamer’s guilt and attempt to make themselves throw up can be seen as a reflection of the biblical concept of sin and the consequences that come with giving in to temptation. The dreamer’s inability to rid themselves of the calories and weight gain may symbolize the lasting effects of sin and the struggle to overcome it.

The dreamer’s eventual arrival on the stage, where their problem is addressed, can be seen as a representation of seeking help and guidance from a higher power. In the Bible, God is often seen as a source of strength and guidance in times of temptation and struggle. This dream may serve as a reminder to rely on God’s strength and guidance in the face of temptation and to seek forgiveness and redemption when we give in to our desires.

In conclusion, this dream serves as a reminder of the constant battle between temptation and self-control, and the importance of seeking guidance and strength from a higher power in times of struggle. It also highlights the consequences of giving in to temptation and the need for forgiveness and redemption.