The Tragic Loss of Innocence: A Dream Interpretation

The Tragic Loss of Innocence: A Dream Interpretation
I was walking with a couple of adults and my 2 yr old granddaughter when she went running ahead of us and past a wall that was hiding a highway of big rigs as she ran into the street the first rig missed her by inches we all looked at eachother in disbelief then looked back and a second rig smashed her into little pieces and threw the pieces everywhere.but I thought it was lil pieces come to find out they found her lil frail body in the gutter under leaves

This dream may symbolize a fear or anxiety about the safety and well-being of your granddaughter. The adults walking with you could represent your own sense of responsibility and protection towards her. The wall hiding the highway of big rigs could represent the dangers and risks that exist in the world, and your granddaughter’s carefree running could symbolize her innocence and vulnerability. The first rig narrowly missing her could represent a close call or a warning sign, while the second rig smashing her into pieces could symbolize a tragic and irreversible event. The fact that you initially thought the pieces were small could suggest a sense of denial or disbelief about the severity of the situation. However, the discovery of her frail body in the gutter could represent the harsh reality and finality of the loss. This dream may be reflecting your fears and concerns about your granddaughter’s safety and well-being, and the importance of being vigilant and protective in her life.