The Unattainable Beauty: A Dream of Longing and Yearning

The Unattainable Beauty: A Dream of Longing and Yearning
Me and the most beautiful girl that I haven't been able to get out of my head since this in a beach house together. Play wrestling in bed, smiling and laughing. Us cuddling together on the couch in the evening to watch a show. Walking up and down the streets together. Her waking me up smiling. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't resist letting out the biggest and best feeling smile. I imagine us in a house in a mountain together her pregnant and then the next thing we're there with our kid. I keep thinking about her and imagining her and my life with her. For some real life information, I've seen this girl online and watch her a bit. She's drop dead gorgeous, everything I could ever want and more. She's taken, too old for me (by the time I could date her I'd still be too young for her), she's way out of my league. Before the dream I had been getting really lonely and after it got worse and now all I want is a relationship with her and it pains me to know it can never happen.

This dream reflects your deep longing and yearning for a love that seems unattainable. The beautiful girl represents your ideal partner, someone who embodies everything you desire in a relationship. The fact that she is taken and too old for you symbolizes the obstacles and limitations that stand in the way of this desire. The beach house and play wrestling in bed represent the playful and carefree nature of your relationship with this girl, while the evening cuddling and watching a show symbolize the comfort and intimacy you crave with her. Walking together and her waking you up with a smile represent the joy and happiness you imagine having with her. The image of her pregnant and the two of you in a mountain house with a child symbolizes your desire for a future with her, despite the impossibility of it. This dream may also reflect your loneliness and longing for a relationship in general, as well as the pain and frustration of knowing it can never happen with this particular person. It is important to acknowledge and process these feelings in order to move forward and find fulfillment in other aspects of your life.