The Unconscious Desires of a Conflicted Mind

The Unconscious Desires of a Conflicted Mind
I was in a store that was half carl’s Jr. and half a clothing store and ray my coworker was there off to the side of the carl's jr side and then in the clothing store section there was a person trying to get at me as if they wanted my number and whatever they were saying I wouldn’t talk to them as well as this girl, the lights started flickering and I was like I need to get out of here so I ran out to the parking lot to my car and I saw that there was people all over the street walking then started running to get to some place safe to hide I saw on my car window that it was pushed all the way up and out as if someone tried to take a crowbar break in then slide the window all the way up if that makes sense then I saw people climbing building like on ladders that are attached to buildings anything to try and hide then I ran out of my car to get back into the building then my dream ended.

The dreamer finds themselves in a store that is a combination of two seemingly unrelated entities – a fast food restaurant and a clothing store. This could symbolize the dreamer’s conflicting desires and interests. The presence of their coworker, Ray, could represent a part of the dreamer’s own personality that they are trying to distance themselves from. The person trying to get their number in the clothing store section could represent the dreamer’s repressed sexual desires. The dreamer’s refusal to engage with them could indicate their fear or guilt surrounding these desires.

The flickering lights could symbolize the dreamer’s inner turmoil and confusion. They feel the need to escape and run to their car, which could represent their desire for control and independence. However, upon seeing the people in the street, the dreamer realizes that they are not alone in their struggles. The pushed up car window could represent the dreamer’s fear of being vulnerable and exposed. The people climbing buildings to hide could symbolize the dreamer’s attempts to hide their true self from others.

The dreamer’s return to the building could represent their desire to retreat back into their comfort zone and avoid facing their inner conflicts. This dream could be a manifestation of the dreamer’s unconscious desires and fears, as well as their struggle to reconcile their conflicting thoughts and emotions. It could also be a reflection of their need for self-discovery and acceptance. Overall, this dream highlights the complex and often conflicting nature of the human psyche.