The Underground Internet and Forbidden Love: A Dream Analysis

The Underground Internet and Forbidden Love: A Dream Analysis
I got a job. I was still living with my aunt and I didn’t have a driver’s license yet, but I still drove to the next town over so I could fulfill my shifts at some sort of cafe. I don’t remember how I got hired. It wasn’t an official process or anything. One of my coworkers was the bad boy type and I was crazily attracted to him, despite not wanting to be. My first shift ran into the night so I texted my aunt that I’d be home late. I didn’t want to tell her that I was driving illegally. This all took place on a Saturday. On Sunday, I went back to work and everything was pretty normal. Cute guy, who I’ll call Vince, was flirting with me a little bit. Mostly sly glances and intentional proximity. I liked him, but the thought of him only liking me for my pre-transition body turned me away from doing anything about it. During the Sunday shift, there was like a worldwide alert on everyone’s phones that all the internet was going to be relocated underground. People could access it by going to those hotspots, but there would probably be a 30 minute wait time. Then my mom and little brother came. She and Vince were talking/beefing for whatever reason. I think about her gains. She offered to take me home so I wouldn’t be driving illegally. I thought about it and eventually agreed. I think it was the midnight drive home where everything changed. My aunt texted me that the underground internet thing was bullshit and her job was well-backed enough that she wouldn’t have to go underground. Then it all kinda went dark. I came to awareness underground. Three of my coworkers were also there, Vince included. We were out of sorts and frightened. Turns out, we were on the 5th level of the new underground internet configuration. Why? We didn’t know. We didn’t go there of our own free will. The 5th level was really crowded. Someone came in and told us to go sit at all the tables. Vince and I sat across from each other. We were wordlessly flirting and at this point I was a little bit in love with him. he wanted to kiss me, so I kissed his forehead, his chin, his left cheek, then his right. Like the cross of Jesus Christ. A group of people came in, the leader of them some weirdly exuberant girl who tied the arm of someone from each group to the wooden pole at the center of their table and slit their wrist. I didn’t recognize the one who had their wrist slit at my table, but by this point, everyone was getting freaked out. After that group descended to the lower levels, some of the people in my group (there were maybe 10 or 12 per table) were calling upon magic, like faeries. They wanted desperately to get out. Then, a group of women in purple dresses and robes came to our level. The woman in front of the others was nervous because she hadn’t performed their part of the ritual on the other levels, but reluctantly, she did it. She drank the blood from each slit wrist until she came to my group. When she drank the blood of our little sacrifice, she retched and fell into hysterics, saying it was faery blood, and that we’re dealing in magic. The women were very upset by this.

This dream may symbolize the internal struggle between following societal norms and desires that go against them. The dreamer’s job and living situation represent their current state of conformity, while the lack of a driver’s license and illegal driving suggest a desire for freedom and independence. The attraction to the ‘bad boy’ coworker may represent a desire for excitement and rebellion. The worldwide alert about the relocation of the internet could symbolize a major change or disruption in the dreamer’s life. The dreamer’s mother and brother appearing could represent familial pressure to conform. The underground internet and being forced to sit at tables with strangers may symbolize the dreamer’s fear of being controlled or forced into a certain path. The act of kissing the coworker’s forehead, chin, and cheeks in the shape of a cross could represent the dreamer’s inner conflict between societal expectations and their true desires. The group leader’s violent act of slitting wrists could symbolize the consequences of going against societal norms. Overall, this dream may suggest the dreamer’s struggle with finding a balance between conformity and individuality.