The Unresolved Tension with an Old Flame

The Unresolved Tension with an Old Flame
So before I say my short dream there all backstop between me and this girl. I actually know her,we been friends since elementary to mid high-school but cut off since, In that time period we did have a romantic feelings but that was long gone(before Hs). We went to same highschool and saw each other but never talked ,for example we would have class and I would have to sit next to each other but we would never speak to each together. My friend who know hers would tell me she would wonder why I don't speak to her and she like not happy about it. But I don't see why I should tbh, a year later go by it's my senior year and my friend tells me again that she seems me in hallways but I never speak to her. Keep in mind she very short and I'm pretty tall so I don't really looking at people I just be focus getting to class and not staying In my crowded hallway. But in all this time in HS I basically forgot about her and just been focusing on me but she wants to talk to me but won't take the motive to actually talk to me lol. But yesterday I had a dream about her and in my dream I was wanting to get her attention, I was talking to her and putting my arms around her like she was my girlfriend ,try to flirt with her and such, which was not like me cause I don't have anymore feelings for her. But I know her personality and she was acting boujee and shit and I would do all these things to impress her and get her attention like she the loml,but in dream she would ignore me or say little to nothing,it was lowkey weird.

This dream reflects unresolved feelings and tension between the dreamer and a girl from their past. The dreamer and the girl were once close friends, but their relationship ended in high school. Despite not speaking to each other, the dreamer’s friend informs them that the girl still wonders why they don’t talk. This suggests that the dreamer may have some lingering feelings for the girl, even though they have moved on and focused on themselves. The dreamer’s lack of attention towards the girl in real life is mirrored in the dream, where they struggle to get her attention and impress her. This could symbolize the dreamer’s desire to reconnect with the girl and make up for lost time. However, the dream also reveals the girl’s aloof and uninterested behavior, indicating that the dreamer may have doubts about whether the girl truly wants to reconnect. Overall, this dream highlights the dreamer’s unresolved feelings and tension with an old flame, and their desire to reconcile and possibly rekindle their relationship.