The Wendigo: A Symbol of Fear and Hidden Desires

The Wendigo: A Symbol of Fear and Hidden Desires
I had a dream earlier that involved a Wendigo. At first I was riding on a bus with my family and we all saw it running on all fours up the street and on top of busses and stuff. I knew what it was and so did everyone around me. Then throughout the dream I was being stalked by it. I saw it by walls and poles like lurking behind them and looking st me. I saw it in my shadows as I was walking and it was grabbing my shoulder but when I turned around it was gone. Later in the dream we tried to find some people who would help and they told me not to usher the word around them and they would help me. Then we opened a door in their house that they said would help and I woke up. I am quite superstitious and was just wondering if this dream meant anything at all.

The dreamer’s encounter with the Wendigo represents their inner fears and desires. The Wendigo is a mythical creature from Native American folklore, known for its insatiable hunger and ability to possess humans. In this dream, the Wendigo is seen running on all fours, symbolizing the dreamer’s primal instincts and urges. The fact that the dreamer’s family also sees the creature suggests that these desires are not unique to the dreamer, but shared by those closest to them. The stalking behavior of the Wendigo represents the dreamer’s fear of these desires and their attempts to suppress them. The Wendigo appearing in shadows and grabbing the dreamer’s shoulder symbolizes the dreamer’s subconscious trying to bring these desires to light. The dreamer’s search for help and being told not to share the word suggests a fear of judgment and rejection from others if these desires were to be revealed. The door in the house represents a potential solution or escape from these desires, but the dreamer wakes up before finding out what it is. This dream serves as a reminder for the dreamer to confront and acknowledge their hidden desires, rather than suppressing them.