The Witch’s Auction: A Symbolic Journey of Self-Discovery

The Witch’s Auction: A Symbolic Journey of Self-Discovery
A witch stole my soul and was selling it too another world. They put a for sale sign outside my house for the other witches to know I was for sale. She told me all this while she had stuffed me inside the heating system and took some kind of pitty on me and said she hopes I get sold first and that I would have a horrible life enough I'd end up killing myself.

The dream of a witch stealing your soul and selling it to another world is a powerful symbol of your inner struggles and fears. The witch represents a powerful and manipulative force in your life, while your soul represents your true self and identity. The fact that the witch is selling your soul to another world suggests that you feel disconnected from your true self and are searching for a sense of belonging or purpose. The for sale sign outside your house symbolizes your desire to be noticed and accepted by others, even if it means sacrificing your own identity. Being stuffed inside the heating system represents feeling trapped and suffocated by societal expectations and pressures. The witch’s pity and hope for you to be sold first reflects your own self-doubt and fear of not being good enough. The mention of a horrible life and potential suicide highlights your inner turmoil and the need to confront and overcome these negative thoughts and emotions. This dream serves as a reminder to reconnect with your true self and not let external influences dictate your worth and happiness.