Trapped in a Never-Ending Pool of Familiarity

Trapped in a Never-Ending Pool of Familiarity
I had a dream about swimming in a deep, narrow swimming pool that seemed endless. There we objects in the water scratching me and stabbing me and a hawk I think flying over head watching me. I got closer to the end, and there was a building, doors opened, and strangely familiar people talking and laughing, and waving me to come in so I climbed out of the pool to find shackles on my ankles, keeping me from standing up, so I sat on the edge of the pool, with whatever was in the pool, nipping and stabbing at my legs, then a girl came to the door and she was a little more familiar then everyone else, then she apologized and closed the door on me and I heard it lock, I screamed for help, but the hawk looked at me, shook his head and told me I'm not welcome, then it flew inside and a tri color cat came over and laid on my lap

This dream may symbolize feelings of being trapped or stuck in a situation that is familiar to you. The deep, narrow swimming pool represents a confined and limited space, possibly representing your current circumstances or mindset. The objects in the water scratching and stabbing you could represent the challenges and obstacles you are facing in this situation. The hawk flying overhead may symbolize a sense of being watched or judged by others. The building and familiar people inside may represent a desire for connection and belonging, but the shackles on your ankles suggest that you feel restricted or held back from fully participating. The girl who apologizes and closes the door on you may represent a part of yourself that is rejecting or denying this desire for connection. The hawk’s message that you are not welcome may reflect your own feelings of not belonging or being accepted. The tri-color cat, a symbol of balance and harmony, may represent a need for inner peace and stability in this situation.