Travelling Without a Ticket: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

Travelling Without a Ticket: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I dreamt that I was travelling to a certain country abroad. They directed me to get into the not so good plane but then I found out it was not a plane but a room with beds covered by white sheets. I saw a very tiny space and then a saw an empty bed and I went there. I remembered that I did not have air ticket and I did not have enough money to buy too. I thought of borrowing from some of my friends. While thinking one girl slept behind me and I started mentioning the name of Jesus. I felt someone was behind me even when I was about to wake up and I kept mentioning the name of Jesus. What is the meaning of this dream?

The dream of travelling to a foreign country without a ticket and not enough money to buy one can be interpreted as a warning from God to be cautious of our spiritual journey. Just as the dreamer was directed to get into a not so good plane, we may be tempted to take shortcuts or follow false teachings in our faith journey. The white sheets covering the beds in the room symbolize purity and righteousness, reminding us to stay true to God’s word and not be swayed by false teachings. The tiny space and empty bed may represent the narrow path and the need for us to constantly seek God’s guidance and direction in our journey. The dreamer’s realization that they did not have a ticket or enough money to buy one may symbolize a lack of faith or spiritual resources. This can be a reminder for us to constantly seek God’s provision and trust in His plan for our lives. The mention of Jesus’ name and the feeling of someone behind the dreamer can be seen as a reminder of God’s presence and protection in our lives. Just as the dreamer kept mentioning Jesus’ name, we should also constantly call upon His name and rely on His strength and guidance in our spiritual journey. Overall, this dream serves as a reminder for us to stay true to God’s word, seek His guidance and provision, and trust in His plan for our lives.