Uncovering Hidden Demons: A Dream of Deliverance and Liberation

Uncovering Hidden Demons: A Dream of Deliverance and Liberation
I was brought to a farm to deliver a woman. We sat at a table and Melissa was there. I told the woman her demons came from her grandmother. When I started to pray them out, the demons put me in a trance where I could only move slowly and my speech was slurred. Later in the dream the women’s mother and grandmother were coming to visit but she did not want to let me meet her grandmother. I also saw myself setting my two children free along with the number 10 and it’s the number that the letters in both of their names add up to.

This dream may symbolize a deep-seated fear or anxiety that is manifesting in your waking life. The farm represents a place of growth and nurturing, while the act of delivering a woman suggests a sense of responsibility and duty. The presence of Melissa, a common name meaning ‘honey bee’, could symbolize a need for sweetness and harmony in your relationships. The woman in the dream may represent a part of yourself that is in need of healing. The demons could represent negative thoughts or emotions that have been passed down through generations, as indicated by the mention of the woman’s grandmother. Your attempt to pray them out may suggest a desire to confront and overcome these negative influences. However, the trance-like state and slurred speech could symbolize a struggle to fully express yourself and break free from these patterns. The arrival of the women’s mother and grandmother may represent a need for guidance and support in this journey. Setting your children free and the significance of the number 10 could symbolize a desire for liberation and transformation in your family life. Overall, this dream may be urging you to confront and release any negative influences that are holding you back from personal growth and happiness.