Uncovering Hidden Knowledge: A Dream of Supernatural Understanding

Uncovering Hidden Knowledge: A Dream of Supernatural Understanding
I travelled on a school bus with old classmates. We eventually get off the bus and head inside a huge building that appeared to be a cross between a castle and a museum. We began to walk around inside when I spotted something odd--each corner of the room had a glass marble placed in its corners. I had the urge to pick them up and collect some for myself but was quickly distracted when a teacher (possibly also our guide) asked a question. "Does anyone know why they put marbles in the corner?" she asked. I raised my hand to answer her question, which was something I'd never do in real life. "Yeah, go ahead," she said to me. I answered, "They put those in the corner to dispel some sort of negative energy. You know, like in those supernatural ghost shows or whatever." The teacher/guide as well as my other classmates seemed surprised about my knowledge of the supernatural. They didn't know I personally knew things about the supernatural. The building interior stayed the same, but this time it was a large school. Students were going to classes now. I was still collecting marbles when a high school boy kicked the marble I was about to grab away from me. He laughed as I was mad and upset and I threatened to punch him. He laughed it off and went to class. I followed after him. I head inside the classroom, pick up the marble, and punch him in the face. I didn't get in trouble for it.

This dream may symbolize a desire for knowledge and understanding of the supernatural. The school bus represents a journey or transition, possibly in your personal growth or spiritual development. The old classmates may represent past experiences or relationships that have shaped your beliefs and perspectives. The castle-museum hybrid building may represent a place of learning and exploration. The marbles in the corners symbolize hidden knowledge or secrets that you are drawn to collect. The teacher/guide represents your inner wisdom and guidance, while the high school boy represents a disruptive force or challenge to your pursuit of knowledge. Your reaction of anger and violence towards the boy may suggest a fear of losing or being denied access to this hidden knowledge. The fact that you do not get in trouble for your actions may symbolize a sense of empowerment and confidence in your pursuit of understanding the supernatural. Overall, this dream may be urging you to embrace your curiosity and seek out knowledge and understanding of the unknown.